Verbal Sonar:
Words aMaze and Fasten8 us
in part because we are almost never free of them. They enter through our eyes and ears, trip off our tongues, pour out our fingertips, rattle our brains and incite the full range of emotions. In short, they are the notes and we are their human instruments.
Though creatures of our own invention, whirrrds are alive in an L-M-N-tal way and possess a mind and spirit of their own. Few people bother to watch what they say—let alone listen—so either overlook or underrate their running commentary.
But as we pass an endless stream of verbal burble back and forth between ourselves,whirrrds whisper their subversive secret spells to our subconscious minds creating both the prism—and the prison—through which we view the mystery of our lives.
Based on my life-long compulsion with the pun, I’ve pieced together the story of our lives by juxtaposing the semANTIC REVELations I’ve found in the very words we use to tell it.
As you will see on this site—and at a WordMagic performance—playing with words leads to entertaining ideas. It can also reawaken our primal recognition of how we can use the Word for the World’s ReCreation.
In WordMagic: An Enchanted Literary Entertainment, audience members enter the magic world of linguistic synchronicities in which English cymbals and sounds ring bells in our minds that echo and reflect the cultural assumptions we mistake for reality and the innate wisdom we possess as humans. This occurs, I contend, because language “is not merely grammatical, but Holo-Grammatical, as well.” Thus–
”Using the curiosities of English as a mirror in which to view our own idiosyncratic natures and presumptions of reality is like peering through a magic lens that makes the obvious suddenly visible.