I am amazed by the definition that I found on line for Predatory Capitalism. It states that this term “…refers to cultural acceptance of domination and exploitation as normal economic…
When We ‘L¤¤K But Do Not See’ A Bit of Alphabet Alchemy Illustrated Graphically “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our…
There’s a rather obscure and unattractive synonym for procrastinator that makes the word seem like an even more opprobrious pejorative –– or ‘scornful expression of contempt or disapproval.’ That word…
In a 1958 television interview, Aldous Huxley predicted the technological capability to bypass reason and manipulate behavior through subliminal means. …” Dr. Joseph Mercola[1] I just had the oddest experience…
I began playing with words in early childhood and was intrigued by what I was noticing. For instance, I saw that –– OPPOSITE begins with opposites: OP-PO-sites PARALLEL has three…
“Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a…
“All we need is to imagine our ability to love developing until it embraces the totality of humanity and the earth.” Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) There’s a deep underneath language…
O God, help me to believe the truth about myself, no matter how beautiful it is.’ Macrina Wiederkehr Have you ever wondered about the fact that we cannot see ourselves directly? It takes a clear reflection from an unclouded mirror…
Thoughts for a Divinely Loving Valentine’s Day[1] When I was 20, I read these beautiful words in The Phenomenon of Man by the French paleontologist and Jesuit priest, Teilhard de…
“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.” Oscar Wilde Given the extraordinary era in which we are now…